Archive for the 'Raise Everything' Category


Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Another session of Raise Everything at rush poker. VPIP of 66, PFR of 59.9, minus bb/100 of 75.38. And that’s in spite of stacking one guy who was willing to get it all in on a Qxx 2 tone board when he min 3 bet me with AQ, but I hit my flush on the […]

Session 2; Raise Everything

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

It’s not easy. 100 hands, VPIP 71.1, PRF 66.0, minus 81.2 bb/100. At least the bb/100 is not as bad as last session. C-bet of 73%, with a success of 70.4%. I’m not sure why it’s still this bad. Right now I’m resorting to pretending that I have either AK/AQ or JJ/TT/99, adjusting this so […]

Early results; Raise Every Hand project

Friday, March 19th, 2010

My first attempt at the new project. 213 hands, VPIP of 71.4, PFR of 69, (keeping in mind this is Full Ring RushPoker, so every table has 9 players at it) minus 120 bb/100 loss rate. I think that I can get that down a bit. Or up a bit, depending on how you look […]

New Rush Poker project; Raise Everything

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

‘K, starting a new project. Probably a short one. Playing on Rush Poker. Rules: I have to Open raise every hand from every position Iso-raise any limp or limpers at every opportunity 3-bet in position often Squeeze often from the blinds So my VPIP should be 90% or so (which is why Rush Poker lends […]